Confusion(tm): ============================== Confusion is a tiny toy language designed for storing and printing data. It isn't turing complete, it doesn't have lamda functions, it doesn't come with a standard library, or just about anything else you probably want. All it does is store and print data. Period. Usage: ============================== Confusion has six instructions... - int $vI : Create a new integer variable called $vI - str $vS : Create a new string variable called $vS - seti $vI 123 : Set the integer variable $vI to 123 - sets $vS "derp" : Set the string variable $vS to "derp" - printi $vI : Print the integer variable $vI - prints $vS : Print the string variable $vS Variables may be named anything matching "\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+", or, in other words, must begin with a "$" and contain only alpha-numeric and underscore characters. Both the "printi" and "prints" functions may also be used to print raw values. For instance... - printi 12345 : Print 12345 - prints "derp" : Print "derp" Strings may also contain backslash-escapse, including... - "\n" - "\0" - "\xFF" (or any other \xNN) Example Program: =============================== int $a int $b str $c str $d seti $a 12345 seti $b 999 sets $c "herpderp" sets $d "A cool byte is: \x41" printi $a printi $b prints $c prints $d prints "Done!" When run this gives... 0x00003039 0x000003e7 "herpderp" "A cool byte is: A" "Done!"